(PR in) HR Pulse | HR News Round-up: 23rd – 29th January 2023

Paying To Avoid Sustainability

Software AG has found that a majority (82%) of organisations from the UK, US, Germany and France would prefer to pay regulatory penalties to avoid investing in sustainability, even though almost all (95%) of the 2000 leaders surveyed claimed that sustainability was a top or high priority and the majority (84%) also believe that sustainability is vital to retaining employees. 

However, it seems that many leaders still aren’t being proactive when it comes to their sustainability initiatives as a third (32%) still haven’t utilised the technology available to them while 36% admitted that they aren’t able to track the effectiveness of their initiatives. This lack of drive is most likely a result of valuing commercial success over sustainability, favoured by 84% of decision makers. Source: People Management. 

Paid Leave For Neonatal Care 

The House of Commons is currently reviewing the Neonatal Care (Leave and Pay) Bill that could allow parents of newborn babies to take up to 12 weeks of paid leave, in addition to other entitlements including maternity, paternity and shared parental leave. Sponsored by SNP MP Stuart McDonald, the bill could come into effect 18 months after the bill is passed and would help c90,000 parents per year with hospital care for premature or full-term and sick babies. Source: Personnel Today.

Kay Phelps